Operating an issuer

There are different ways to become an issuer using nChain Identity Issuer’s API, which allows one to manage and issue credentials and establish connections with holders and verifiers. In the issuance of a Verifiable Credential (VC), issuers may conduct their own identity verification and validation steps before proceeding with issuance. Some issuers choose to independently verify the identity of subjects to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the credentials they issue. It's a crucial aspect of the process, allowing issuers to uphold high standards of credentialing and enhance the overall trustworthiness of the issued credentials. The API supports.

DID issuance and management.

  • Create and retrieve Decentralise Identities (DID).

  • Co-signing control for authorisation of issuing VCs.

Verifiable credential issuance and management.

  • Create a Verifiable Credential (VC).

  • Retrieve a Verifiable Credential or a list of Verifiable Credentials.

  • Generate JSON to create a QR Code and use that to accept credentials in a wallet.

  • Revoke a Verifiable Credential.

  • Retrieve the Revocation Status of a Verifiable Credential.

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