Getting Started

Prepare base URL

The Verifier API environment is fully managed by nChain's Product Suite Platform (PSP), eliminating the need for you to set up or maintain the underlying technology stack. You will be provided with the Verifier API Base URL specific to your environment. The API utilizes a single, standardized base URL for all endpoints, ensuring consistency and simplicity in integration.

To check if your Verifier API Base URL is valid, you can visit the Ping-Pong website at GET <BASE_URL>/ping


TODO: Apikey


Same as the whole Identity suite, the Verifier API uses role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions. Authorization is enforced using the cognito:groups claim in the JWT access token, which specifies the user’s assigned claims. These permissions determine what actions the user can perform within the API.

Supported Roles

  • Verifier Admin - can verify verifiable credentials, can view all the verifiable credentials that have been verified based on the pre-defined list of schemas & more

  • Verifier Auditor - can view the history verified credentials & more

Last updated