What is the wallet for?

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The digital wallet is a native application. It allows users to hold and managing reusable digital credentials. Constructed upon Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and cryptography principles, this wallet empowers its Holder to share data with others while safeguarding sensitive private information. The wallet also allows the user to share information privately.

The digital wallet is a native application. It allows users to hold and managing reusable digital credentials. Constructed upon Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and cryptography principles, this wallet empowers its Holder to share data with others while safeguarding sensitive private information. The wallet also allows the user to share information privately.

The digital wallet is a native application. It allows users to hold and managing reusable digital credentials. Constructed upon Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and cryptography principles, this wallet empowers its Holder to share data with others while safeguarding sensitive private information. The wallet also allows the user to share information privately.

The nChain Identity Wallet app is implemented utilising the Sphereon Wallet SDK. It has a simple user interface and a seamless user experience. Its primary functionalities are: credential management and verifier-proof generation, signing presentations and managed the history of your credentials. The wallet facilitates the exchange of verified credentials (VCs) between the issuer and the verifier. As mentioned earlier, the user keeps their data, in the form of VCs, only in their devices. The wallet securely holds the user's private key, receives VCs from the Issuer, and generates proofs for the Verifier. Acting as the guardian of sensitive information, the Wallet is purposefully designed to protect the User's identity, ensuring confidentiality. Without the user's explicit consent, and signature, no sensitive data is disclosed to third parties.

The app is accessible on both Android and IOS platforms:

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