Decentralise Identifiers (DiD)

What is a DiD?

A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is a new type of identifier designed to enable verifiable, self-sovereign digital identities. Unlike traditional identifiers such as email addresses or usernames, DIDs are not tied to a central authority or intermediary. Instead, they are created, owned, and controlled by the individual to whom the identifier corresponds.

DIDs are typically associated with a distributed ledger or blockchain, providing a decentralized and tamper-resistant way to manage identity information. The key feature of DIDs is their ability to be independently verified without needing a centralized registry. This empowers individuals to have greater control over their personal information, enabling them to selectively share and manage their identity data in various online interactions.

In summary, a Decentralized Identifier is a unique, self-owned identifier that leverages decentralized technologies like blockchain to enable secure and verifiable digital identities, emphasizing user control and privacy.