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Last updated
nChain Sign offers a dashboard that allows you to easily manage your incoming and outgoing digital signing transactions - Envelopes - in one place. It provides an at-a-glance view of the envelopes with documents that require your signature and those that have been sent for signing. You can also review the workflow status of an envelope and take any necessary follow up action.
You can access the Dashboard from the Dashboard tab in the left side navigation bar.
What you can do:
Create a New envelope (Upload documents)
Review and follow up envelopes that:
Require your signature
Have been sent for signing
The Notifications panel displays an overview of pending, created and completed envelopes.
Pending Envelopes
Displays a count of the number of envelopes awaiting further action.
Created requests
Displays a count of the number of created signing requests.
Completed envelopes
Displays a count of the number of fully signed envelopes.
Requires Your Attention
This section displays a list of envelopes that require the attention of the signed-in user.
To review envelopes that require you to add your signature, follow these steps:
Click the Review button. A document preview page opens and displays the first document within the envelope.
Review the document.
Fill in the fields - required fields are indicated by the green arrow.
If you are a new user, you will need to add your visual signature. You can add Typed signature, Drawn signature (using mouse or trackpad) or Upload an image of your real signature.
You will be required to provide the initials as well.
Save and confirm signature
You can now place your signature to signature fields
Click Sign Now to confirm the signing of the document. The document has now been signed. If there are more documents in the envelope, you will be guided to the next document automatically, where you can repeat the process.
An email notification will be sent to the signature requestor providing confirmation that you have signed the document.
If you do not wish to sign the document, click Decline. An email notification will be sent to the signature requestor informing them that you have declined to sign the document.
An Audit Trail appears below the document that displays a log of all activities for the document. This includes the following:
The creation date of the signature request.
The email of the person that created the signature request.
The date of on which the document was signed.
The email of the signer.
The date of the signing confirmation and email of the signer.
This section displays a list of signature requests created by the requestor. It includes signature requests where the requestor has included themselves as a required signer.
To review and sign a document where you have included yourself as a signer, click Review.
(See the steps outlined in Signing an envelope for further details on reviewing and signing the document)
This feature also allows you to:
view the document and the person to whom it has been assigned for signing
see who has already signed the included documents
send reminders to recipients