How can my business sign up for nChain Identity?


Businesses can operate nChain Identity as Issuers, Verifiers or holders.


An Issuer is any entity that issues Verifiable Credentials (VCs), which can be statements or claims made about another subject or entity. For example, when the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (the Issuer) asserts that an individual (the subject) holds a driving license, this constitutes a credential. Anyone can be an issuer:

  • An online community saying you're a member.

  • The government giving you an official ID.

  • A smart camera confirms you're a person.

  • Your company is vouching you for your skills and employment.

Although anyone can function as an Issuer, accepting their credentials depends on the Verifier's judgment. That judgment might be based on the reputation or the legality of the Issuer and, if applicable, the relevance of the claim and all other information the verification tool provides. SEE NCHAIN IDENTITY VERIFIER>>.

The cryptographic signature on the public blockchain ensures the integrity and validity of the signature. Yet, not every credential holds equal weight. The Verifier discerns the legitimacy of the Issuer and the credibility of their credential. It is akin to acknowledging that while someone, like one's mother, may vouch for one's driving abilities, the authorities may not necessarily validate such a credential. Ultimately, Verifiers wield the authority to affirm, "Indeed, this credential is legitimate and trustworthy."


The nChain Identity Verifier API ensures a simple, personalized, privacy-focused authentication experience. The Verifier's API request becomes a QR code shown to the user, and the team is currently working to support other formats, such as deep links, NFC, and Bluetooth. The user scans the QR code with their Wallet and shares the Verifiable Credential with the verifier.

A Verifier is an entity, individual or platform that authenticates users based on their Credentials. Verifiers create queries using users' existing Credentials from different Issuers, defining a criterion: "must be over 18 years old" or "must be British."


A digital wallet is an application crafted for holding and managing users' Credentials. Constructed upon Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and cryptography principles, this wallet empowers its Holder to share data with others while safeguarding sensitive private information. The exclusive right to determine which information to share and what to keep private rests solely with the wallet holder.

Last updated