Verify Record

  1. Anyone with the original record and information can check whether record exists at the location

  2. The result indicates whether there is a match, a mismatch, or unknown (retry later)

Verify Encoded Record

To verify the original record, the verifier will need the record, encoder, salt and the location.

Example code:

curl -X POST "$URL/api/v1/records/$LOC/match?encode=SHA256(01-02T13.14.15)|Base64" \
     -H "x-api-key: $KEY" \
     -H "accept: text/plain" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
     --data-binary "hello"

Verify Unencoded Record

To verify the original record, the verifier will need the record and the location.

Example code:

curl -X POST $URL/api/v1/records/$LOC/match \
     -H "x-api-key: $KEY" \
     -H "accept: text/plain" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
     --data-binary "hello"

Example Responses

Example matching cURL response:

  "match": true,
  "confirmation": {
    "confirmedBlocks": 2,
    "blockHash": "279062b6c3b09774ce665....0413ea9bdc6c1603819b11b",
    "blockTimestamp": "2024-01-02T13:20:05Z",
    "merkleProof": {
      "index": 1,
      "txOrId": "7d2aef40841f0109....c31c83a5505a4c147e",

Example mismatching cURL response:

  "match": false,
  "confirmation": {

Example unknown cURL response:

  "title": "Content not found",
  "status": 404,

Last updated