Features and Benefits
The key features and benefits that nChain Event provides include:
Documented and testable REST API enabling easy integration by non-blockchain engineers. See Independent Records API Workflow and Linked Records API Workflow.
Registration of any type of data records on the blockchain to facilitate trust in them.
Encoding of records to keep them private. See Encoded and Unencoded Records.
Optional unencoded* records globally providing accessibility and transparency.
Production of the blockchain record location which can be used by third-party tools, avoiding vendor lock-in.
Status of the blockchain writing process enabling easy error handling, and evidence of record content and time-stamp.
Read and verification of records, without requiring any other tools.
Optional linked records that support sets, provenance, logs, histories, chronicles, journals, audit trails, tickets, certificates and other documents. See Linked Records.
The ability to pass linked record authorship to another party in a consortium, enabling multi-party collaboration.
Note: * Unencoded records available by prior arrangement with nChain
Please see the last section about using the blockchain.