Read Record

  1. The location owner optionally publishes the location

  2. Anyone who has the location can read just the headers or the full record

  3. They can use any industry-standard third-party tools

Example headers code:

curl --head $URL/api/v1/records/$LOC/content \
     -H "x-api-key: $KEY" \
     -H "accept: */*"

Example record code:

curl $URL/api/v1/records/$LOC/content \
     -H "x-api-key: $KEY" \
     -H "accept: text/plain"

Read Encoded Record

Example cURL headers response:

content-length: 32
content-type: application/nce-fingerprint-sha256v2|Base64
date: Tue,02 Jan 2024 13:14:27 GMT
server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) 

Example cURL record response:


You can compare this to the final "output" in the response from the write record command.

To find out whether the resultant fingerprint is valid, the user also needs the original record and the encoding method plus any salt used.

Read Unencoded Record

Example cURL headers response:

content-length: 7  
content-type: application/octet-stream  
date: Tue,02 Jan 2024 13:15:31 GMT  
server: Kestrel 

Example cURL record response:
