Get Link Location Status

Check whether the record is on the blockchain at the link location:

  1. The record owner waits at least 10 minutes for any create, update or delete operation to be confirmed on the blockchain

  2. The record owner checks the status of the link location

  3. If not confirmed, the record owner either waits again waits again or retries the operation

  4. The record owner optionally sends or publishes the link Location to any other parties

Example code:

curl $URL/api/v1/linkedrecords/$LOC/status \
     -H "x-api-key: $KEY" \
     -H "accept: text/plain"

Example cURL immediate response:

  "updatable": true,
  "confirmation": null

Example cURL response after waiting for 30 minutes:

  "updatable": true,
  "confirmation": {
    "confirmedBlocks": 3,
    "blockHash": "038ada8fba49a4972....3fb049b45553612c187cc",
    "blockTimestamp": "2024-01-02T13:20:05Z",
    "merkleProof": {
      "index": 2,
      "txOrId": "47175b2ee3345942....d58cd286198e1bcf97",
      "target": "00000020e1b721d55e....9c4ba58cf65ffff7f2000000000",
      "nodes": [
      "targetType": "header",
      "proofType": null,
      "composite": null

The Merkle proof is described in the blockchain section.