Navigate Link Record § ¶
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Anyone with a link location and access to nChain Event can obtain either earlier or later link locations
Specify the link location to navigate from - this can be any link location in the set of linked records
Specify the maximum number of links you want in the "links" parameter, from 1 to a manageable number - if the number of links is too large, you may experience inconvenient timeouts
Specify a negative value for earlier link locations
Specify a positive value for later link locations
The response indicates whether there are any link locations availble at all
And whether the beginning or the end of the linked records has been reached
Use Read Link Record to read the content of the resultant link locations
In this example, there are 2 later links than the supplied link, and the second one is the last in the linked records, so endOfLinks has been reached, as indicated by "true".
If the navigation had been 9 link locations forward from the last location ("d205c1bcb4e796a70f70b1...." in the list above), the result would have been:
If the navigation had been 9 link locations backwards from the last location, assuming that there are only 3 link locations in the set, the result would have been: