An IoT operator wants to publish temperature values, so that anyone can view them at any time and they are fully transparent and irrefutable.
A data creator wants to record temperature values on the blockchain, so that anyone can view them at any time and the data is fully transparent and irrefutable.
Every hour, a temperature Snapshot is taken by the IoT device.
A record containing the device ID, the read temperature (and optionally the geo-location, and the datetime) are written to the blockchain using nChain Event unencoded records ‡, which returns the location of the record.
The location is published by the IoT operator, and anyone can read the record.
Anyone with the original data can also verify † it.
Proof of Publishing: Immutable proof of the exact data generated by an IoT device and the time it was created.
Transparency: Anyone can inspect and confirm the legitimacy and timestamp of the IoT data.
Returned location can be looked up in any blockchain reader.